Bio identical Hormones Kirkland, WA - Vitality Hormone Clinic

Bioidentical hormone replacement therapy (BHRT) has become a popular option for both men and women in Kirkland looking to correct hormone imbalances related to aging or other medical conditions. Vitality Hormone Clinic, a leading hormone compounding pharmacy and treatment center in Kirkland, offers customized bioidentical hormone therapies to help patients overcome unpleasant signs and symptoms of hormone deficiency.

Why Choose Bioidentical Hormones?

Bioidentical hormones are identical in molecular structure to the hormones naturally produced in the human body. That makes them easier for the body to recognize and utilize than synthetic hormone medications. Doctors who prescribe bioidentical hormones can customize combinations, doses and delivery methods to suit each patient's unique hormonal needs.

Potential benefits of bioidentical hormone replacement therapy include:

Our services

Getting Started with Bioidentical HRT

The first step is diagnostic testing to accurately measure current hormone levels. Our practitioners order and interpret hormone blood and saliva tests to determine which hormones may be out of balance. We evaluate hormones including estrogen, progesterone, testosterone, DHEA, thyroid, cortisol and more.

Based on test results and a thorough medical history, our bioidentical hormone doctors develop customized treatment plans that are monitored and adjusted over time to meet treatment goals while minimizing risks. We offer bioidentical hormones in a variety of formulations including pills, creams, gels, sublingual drops, pellets and injections.

Key aspects of our bioidentical HRT process include:

Start bioidentical hormone therapy today for optimal health!

Importance of a Timely Diagnosis

The earlier hormone imbalances are identified, the sooner patients can benefit from customized bioidentical hormone restoration. We urge women and men over age 35 with persistent symptoms like fatigue, weight gain and low libido to undergo testing instead of assuming it’s just part of aging.

Undiagnosed and untreated hormone deficiency can increase risks for:

By accurately diagnosing hormone imbalance early, practitioners can help patients improve quality of life and reduce disease risks by restoring optimal hormonal balance with bioidentical hormone therapy.

Why Choose Vitality Hormone Clinic for Bioidentical HRT?

Led by experienced practitioners specially trained in bioidentical hormone replacement therapy, Vitality Hormone Clinic provides cutting edge diagnosis, treatment and ongoing monitoring for customized results.

Key reasons to choose Vitality Hormone Clinic include:

We invite you to schedule a consultation to learn how our integrative approach to bioidentical hormone replacement can help you look and feel your best while reducing disease risks. Our goal is to provide life-enhancing benefits tailored to your unique physiology and needs.

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